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Scholarly Journals



Find Journals

This form allows you to browse the tables of contents of scholarly journals and choose full text articles. To search for articles across multiple journal titles, use SuperSearch.

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Lateral Reading is a strategy used by professional fact checkers to determine the reliability of online sources.

How to Use Wikipedia Wisely

Here's a longer video about using Wikipedia from the Crash Course series .

A Fair(y) Use Tale: A Lesson on Copyright

APA Style Citations

"You’ll discover that different academic disciplines have different rules and protocols concerning when and how to cite sources, a practice known as “citation.” For example, some disciplines use footnotes, whereas others use parenthetical in-text citations; some require complete bibliographic information on all works consulted, whereas others require only a list of “Works Cited.”"


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Andrew Welch
Cowles Library
Office 218

LibKey Nomad

LibKey NomadBring library resources into your research workflow using LibKey Nomad.

Now you can start your research on sites outside the library website, like Google Scholar, Pubmed (yes, even Wikipedia), and the LibKey Nomad browser extension will not only tell you when the library has full text access to an article, it will also provide a direct link to the PDF.

Select your browser extension, set it for Drake University, and start searching!

Contact A Librarian

Text your question to 515-650-4582
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Call with a question 515-271-2111